

최신 버전 6.1.01
Updated reference CLEQ01/U
Our software is available as a downloadable demo version. Depending on the software, certain functions are limited, such as the number of pulses sent or video recording. Once you're satisfied with your test, go to your customer area to purchase a protection dongle and subscribe to the software of your choice.

Ready to go? Fire away! Test it out!
vola board logo Want to test the software? Install Vola Board and download the demo. Price list
BLOCK 1 Welcome to the world of Display-Equestre-Pro With Display-Equestre-Pro you can broadcast live on a video network the starting lists, rankings and the next competitors to start. Customize the whole interface to your image thanks to the management of columns, colors or sizes. Display-Equestre-Pro is an add-on software to Equestre-Pro.  BLOCK 2  DISCIPLINES CSO, CSI, Dressage, Cross, Eventing.  SECOND SCREEN OUTPUT Use the second screen output of your PC. Possible connections: VGA, DVI, HDMI, DP Adapts to the resolution of your screen, from 320p to 4K format.  REMOTE DISPLAY You can run Display-Equestre-Pro on the same PC as Equestre-Pro, or operate it on a remote computer using an RJ45 link or a Wifi bridge.  REQUIREMENTS > PC with Windows 7/8/10. > Requires an encrypted protection key. This key can be connected to the PC on which Equestre-Pro is running in order to use only one.  BLOCK 3 FUNCTIONALITIES > View live changes in the rankings. > Choose the layout of your rankings.  > Resolution, colors, font sizes. > Rotating or fixed page mode depending on the number of rankings. > Indispensable tool for your speaker. > Ideal for the paddock, the stands, as well as lounges or restaurants.  BLOCK 4 To order France / timing@vola.fr World / sales@vola-racing.ch